Last week we submitted two pieces from two of our designers, Dom and James to the Create Democracy exhibition at Design Event 2009.
Democracy is a challenging new graphic design exhibition forming part of Design Event, the North East’s annual design festival. The aim is to create the ultimate democratic exhibition; designers and illustrators were invited to submit their visual interpretation of the theme of Democracy and only those with the most votes will be featured in the exhibition/book.
The exhibiton will feature the very best of the work submitted to the project via this website, as voted by you. Votes can continue to be cast on the website and at the exhibition, so the art on display will continue to change, making this the most democratic exhibition ever.
So please do go ahead and give us a vote, as the more votes you get, the more likely it is that you are part of the exhibition/book! We’ve provided the links to the two pieces below.
James pointing out that Democracy is essentially a placebo, with democratic countries having problems of corruption and unfair advantage that are still commonplace. Dom’s entry adopts a quote from the band Crass, concentrating on the point that one of the beauties of democracy, even if you hate what it is, you’re free from restraint to create and protest against it.
The exhibition begins on the 16th of October at the Square Gallery next to Newcastle College.
Projector are currently: Getting to grips with the fact it’s Monday!