Proform Identity

5th January 2010


With Christmas behind us and the turkey and all the trimmings that come with it, we’d like to wish all of you a very Happy New Year.

The studio is as busy as ever. Following on from the recent success of the National Apprenticeship Business, we are currently involved in creating yet another brand identity. We’re working with ‘Proform’ a business which offers coaching to companies and their employees, to improve individual performance, productivity and most importantly, the bottom line. 

The word is an amalgamation of ‘professional and performance’ resembling the company and the target audience. The extention of the letter ‘r’ around the ‘o’ gives suggestion that this is a supporting arm of guidance towards the individual wanting to improve their skill levels and further progress within the company. We’re looking forward to working alongside the client in the new year and produce some strong pieces of literature for the brand.

Projector are currently: Getting used to getting up early again.